Rattlesnake Mountain Brewery
N Columbia Center Boulevard
Richland, WA
(509) 783-5661
Visited: 8 October 1999 | Establishment
Number: 25 |
Golden | 32XX332 |
Grand Amber | 31XX333 |
Harvest | 32XX223 |
Hefeweizen | 31XX333 |
Honey Red | 21XX433 |
Pale Ale | 22XX333 |
Smokey Porter | 33XX333 |
Stout | 32XX332 |
Notes: | Visiting this place was one of my worst beer travels ever. It wasn't the beer I had a problem with - the beer was good - it was the bartender. The bartender asked me why I was writing notes, and I replied that I am freelance journalist and I was taking notes for a review. With that, she got indignant, and proceeded to lecture me for not setting an appointment with the owners for a personal interview. I calmly replied that though it would be nice to speak with the owners/brewers, I didn't want to bother them, nor did I really have the time to spend, and I pleasantly added that I am really more focused on the beer itself. At that point, she berated me by saying what I was doing and my attitude about it was "cold." I understand her concern, but there was no reason to berate a customer in public. I don't think I've ever been treated so rudely as a customer in my life. I strictly recommend not visiting this place. You won't miss out since they bottle, and you can buy their beers at Bottleworks and probably at any local store that sells quality beer. |
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