Breckenridge Brewery & Pub

2220 Blake Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 297-3644

Date Visited: 29 June 2006
Establishment Number: 252

471 IPA 34XX114
2220 Red Ale 34XX224
Avalanche Amber 33XX444
Avalanche Reserve 33XX334
Ballpark Brown 33XX343
Hefe Proper 44XX444
Long Iron 34XX334
Oatmeal Stout 43XX344
Summerbright 44XX444
Thunder Stout 44XX444
Trademark Pale Ale 43XX444
Vanilla Porter 44XX434

Notes: Breckenridge is right next to Coors Field, and this plays a huge factor in the beer and the decor of the restaurant. The inside of the establishment is the typical sports bar with karaoke, and it presents a wide variety of styles to appeal to both the craft beer fanatic and the casual beer consumer that might chance in after a Rockies game. On the extreme ends are Thunder Stout, with its choco/coffee roast flavor that lingers sweet and guaranteed to please serious enthusiasts, and Long Iron, a summer brew that is light, crisp, and a little spicy, and definitely targeted to the MillCoorsBud crowd (but interesting enough to keep the craft beer faithful happy).



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